El poc que podem fer per oposar-nos al genocidi

Encara que la nostra organització no es dedica a la política (a part de l'autisme) o geopolítica, l'existència de la nostra Ambaixada en línia a Palestina neix d'un desig general d'ajudar, support or defend oppressed and vulnerable minorities (such as autistic people, people with Down’s syndrome, disabled people in general, disadvantaged ethnic minorities, etc.).


We naturally stand in solidarity with all living beings who suffer unjustly, and it is difficult to remain indifferent when we see an innocent population suffering for decades and being massacred, in other words a slow genocide in Gaza Strip.


Many people would like to do the same with autistic people bypreventing them from being born, as it is being done with the genocide of people with Down’s syndrome: Iceland has totallyeradicatedthis population.



Opposition to genocide is currently (in 2023) the main reason for the existence of this site, which remains symbolic and, unfortunately, without any real impact.


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